Sunday 3 December 2017

The Mental Side

I consider myself lucky to have had very formidable female role models. My mom is tough as nails, and has always had a take no nonsense attitude. And then I'm fortunate to have grown up around people like Sifu Freitag, Sifu Rybak, Sifu Cosgrove, my lovely sister, and so many others, who have all shown me the path to follow in order to grow into a strong confident woman.

In class a couple of months ago, Sifu Brinker said to the black belt class that we needed to work more on our mental game when we're practicing applications. We need to know that we're willing to go all the way. That doesn't mean that when we practice with our partners, we're going to go that far but, he expects us to know where we stand and be confident that we have the ability to do so.

Ever since that lesson, I've been really evaluating the way I approach my martial arts training. It's easier for me to focus on the physical details than train my attitude and my approach. But I think I know the direction I need to go. Step by step.

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