Sunday 17 October 2010

Another performance...

SO we just finished another performance with Jackie Chan which was pretty cool. We've spent the past week 'rehearsing' for our performance at the opening ceremony of the international wushu competition. Although I still do find it exciting to be in the presence of an amazing celebrity, I'm pretty much at my end of tolerance for dealing with Chinese culture. I've been swarmed by tourists asking to take pictures with me.

This morning we had to take a bus up the mountain to a temple at the top and do two more performances on the mountain. And once we were up there we found out that we would be doing the same thing for the next three days. I'm just exhausted by being a tourist attraction. I've never been in a situation like this before. How long do you let the government walk all over you before you have to draw the line somewhere? What options does a person really have in this situation?

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