Sunday, 29 October 2017

Tiger Challenge 2017

I had a tonne of fun yesterday. It was a learning experience as far as judging and scoring goes. I learned a lot. I was also very excited to see a lot of the students that I help teach in the Monday/Wednesday advanced class really show off the stuff they've been working on.

I was ridiculously nervous about the dragon dance. But, it went very smoothly. I wouldn't say flawless, but pretty well considering the amount of practice time we had together. Being black belt grand champion was exciting and unexpected. But, what I took away the most from it, is how much I have improved, even since last year. I remember struggling with my balance in all of my forms, in particular, kempo. Just something else that helps indicate how far I've come in the past couple years.

Thanks to everyone for being super supportive, and congratulations on great performances and a lot of hard work.

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