Sunday, 22 October 2017

Casting the I Ching

So I've received a promotion at work. Which is cool, although it will make my work more demanding. But I also think I could use it as an opportunity to improve on some of my administration skills and take some courses that would help me in the future with some of my business goals.

The I Ching is a super ancient type of Chinese divination. Now I don't know how much weight I put into any kind of divination, but I do believe in the power of synchronicity, and I know in Daoism, there is the theory that our paths all cross like a spider's web. I believe the term that my master used to used was "fen". The idea that we all have a role to play in each other's reality. As we have all experienced, what seems like a very small and simple decision, can have very large repercussions to someone else.

Anyways, casting the I Ching. I got a changing hexagram; yin changing to yang. Which is cool because the first hexagram I got was considered an "evil" hexagram. So now I'm moving into what would be called an auspicious time. Although it's hard to say when one will end and the next begins. But for now, what I've taken from it, is that I have an abyss in front of me, and an abyss behind me, and the best thing to do is wait. But soon, I will move forward into a time where the tree falls and the monkeys will scatter (yep, one of the interpretations, figure that one out!)

Well, that was an odd blog....

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