Sunday, 1 October 2017

Goodbye September

I haven't had an easy time thinking of something to write for this blog. I've been really busy lately with life, but I'm working on changing my perspective to incorporate kung fu into a lot more of the things I do on a day to day basis. I've started writing in a journal before bed which is something I've never really considered before, since I don't love sitting and writing down my thoughts. But I'm supposed to be using the journal to write 3 things I'm grateful for every day. I'm not super consistent, but I'm enjoying it more than I thought I would which is a great place to be. Again, it's all about perspective.

I've cut out coffee, again. It's so easy to pick up a habit like coffee. You start with one cup here and there, and then it becomes 2 cups, and soon you feel like you can't finish the day without it. Maybe not everyone gets to that point, but as I already have problems with fatigue, I decided it was a good idea to get off of the java train.

Lastly, our month of vegetarianism was great! I have a little bit of an internal struggle because of the auto immune protocol diets that I've been trying. Most, don't eat gluten or dairy, and then more extreme ones don't eat grains of any kind, legumes, or night shades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers etc). So if I'm vegetarian, what do I actually eat? I have to ask myself what my priority is, how I feel physically, and how far I want to take this diet. I don't enjoy eating meat all the time. Don't get the impression that I don't love meat.. but I feel as a conscious consumer, I need to eat what I need to, not just what I want to. It's something that I'm working on formulating a plan for. But I haven't made any solid decisions yet.

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