Sunday, 4 February 2018

Program Vs. Process

In the meeting on Saturday, Sifu Brinker once again reminded us that the I Ho Chuan is not a program, it's a process. And this really resounded with me for some reason this time more than others. Maybe because I'm on the verge of attempting to continue this process on a more individual basis, but I don't feel like I'm on the verge of the end of a program.

I have a vision of where I will be in the next ten years and it involves a lot of change. But I feel like I have fairly realistic expectations. It doesn't mean that I can't achieve something great. But I do realize that, great change takes great effort. As much as I have a vision, I also need to have a plan and take action to get myself where I want to be. I have worked very hard this year, to deal with some of my anxiety since getting sick. I have done a lot of introspection to see what I really want for my future. And I feel that I have a great support structure to help me along on my path.

I'm excited for next year and to see what this process has done for me outside of the team. I'll continue to journal my experiences.

1 comment:

Jeff Brinker said...

I too am excited about your upcoming year. Continue to apply what you have learned and make sure you do not travel your journey alone. We're all in this together.