Sunday, 25 February 2018

So Far So Good

So, the year of the dog is underway. Here's a brief rundown on where I'm at.

I had my first Pilates class this week. I'm trying to strengthen some of my core muscles to help with my posture and stability of my back. I actually have an incredibly flexible spine, which sounds great, but also means that it requires a lot of muscle to keep everything where it should be.

I was so fortunate to start teaching some of my sword forms at the I Ho Chuan class and open training. I feel lucky to have this opportunity. I learn so much from every question, and every time I have to explain something, whether it is the first time, or the tenth.

I wrote in my gratitude journal every day this week. I feel this really keeps my perspective in the right place. It keeps me focused on enjoying the time that I have and making the most of these experiences.

I started a marketing course that I'm taking through Athabasca University. I can see it's going to be heavy, but I find the content surprisingly interesting. I'm always thinking of ways that I can apply the things I'm learning mentally. It helps that my parents own a business and that is also a goal of mine for the future.

I connected with an old friend and made plans for dessert on Saturday.

And, I recorded most of this stuff. I have to say, I struggle with keeping track of things. But there's no way to get better at it, than to just suck it up, and do it.

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