Monday, 4 September 2017

Wrapping Up Summer

We have spent the last two weekends completely wrapped up in canning. I love this part of the year where you get to harvest a lot of the things out of the garden and preserve it in some fashion for the coming winter. There are few things as rewarding for me as eating fresh veggies out of the garden, or taking out a can of preserves we've made and chowing down.

During one of my therapy sessions, she walked me through a specific meditation that led me to believe that oddly enough, the squirrel is my animal guide. Whether you believe in that stuff or not is pretty irrelevant, because the message is still the same. The squirrel represents balance. It needs to find a way to work hard and save lots of nuts and seeds for the winter months, and also has to have a time for play. Play time is where it chases it's squirrel friends around, throws pine cones at passers by and has some good ol' squawking chuckles in it's tree. Work time, where I'm making money at my job, meal planning, buying groceries and canning, and play time where I'm having campfires with my family, and working on my goals (depending on your view that could be work time, but I prefer to think of it as play). I feel like this is the balance I'm looking for. I want to be as prepared for the winter as I can, but I also need to find time for family and friends, my training, etc.

The last few weeks before and after the wedding have been poor for my numbers, but great for my state of mind. I've come back and gotten back on the wagon with purpose and drive. I remembered why I'm doing what I'm doing and what my goals are. And my goal is mastery, not necessarily 50,000 pushups. That's the tool to get me there. So I'm back at it. Recording numbers, trying to be mindful of my requirements, and taking steps forward. It's nice to feel a little bit more balance again.

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