Sunday, 27 August 2017

Rocks, Pebbles and Sand

So I subscribe to a blog by a homesteader. She's got a lot of information about how to make preserves, gardening, keeping chickens, and lots of other useful skills I've been trying to develop. Last week she wrote a blog called "how I don't do it all". My first reaction was a bit puzzled, because this is the kind of lady that you look at and think, how does she do all that stuff? But, her blog was basically outlining how she prioritizes her life.

She used the rock, pebbles, and sand analogy that I personally was unfamiliar with. You take a jar, and you put a few big rocks in it. The big rocks are your highest priorities like family and friends, your health, or fulfilling hopes and dreams. Then you take pebbles and put as many of those as you can fit. Pebbles are the things that give you quality of life. Your job or career, your home, and your hobbies. And then you put sand into the jar which represents your lowest priorities like, watching TV or movies, reading, and spending time on social media. Depending on the person, these might not represent your rocks, pebbles and sand, but these are some examples.

Her biggest pointer was that the first thing you need to do is decide what your rocks are. What are your highest priorities? Then move onto the pebbles, and lastly the sand. So even though you might not get everything done in a day, you know you've taken care of the things that are the most important to you. Keeping those things in front of you, can help you to accept when you feel like you're falling behind in your "tasks" and just appreciate that all the things that really matter are done.

I think I really need to sit down, and look at my rocks. Maybe I'll take a couple big rocks and write on them to remind myself.

1 comment:

Daniel Sollinger said...

Nice post! If you fill the jar with sand first, there will be no room for the important larger rocks.