Wednesday, 13 January 2016


We talked at the meeting about reflecting back on the I Ho Chuan year and thinking about all the changes we've made and about the positive effect the I Ho Chuan has had on us. It's hard for me to reflect back on this year without ending up in tears.

I hit this amazing peak. I got my black belt, finally. After all this time. I went to Alabama and I met so many amazing people, and I did so much good work that I truly felt fantastic about. We had the pandamonium- my first - that I had so much fun at. And then pretty shortly after that, I was hospitalized with GBS. There is nothing so vulnerable as being completely paralyzed and being unable to speak.

I cried so many times when people talked about Kung fu and my time in China. So many times I questioned, why did I go through all of that, just so I could end up here? It seems so unfair that after spending 5 years in China, cultivating my health, I should be the one to end up in a hospital bed. Over and over again, my friends and family told me, that I probably would recover really quickly because I was already in such good shape. Or how my training prepared me mentally to handle the pain. Or how maybe my practice helped me to cultivate patience and understanding. 

It's hard to look at positive things that come from this type of experience. It's so difficult not to dwell in the suffering. It's so frustrating to start again with so many things. The hardest thing is being patient with myself. But here I am still at it. And why? Because I've never been satisfied with mediocrity. If there's one thing I've learned from the I Ho Chuan, it's that every day is a new day to strive towards mastery. I really can look at that from a new perspective this year. 


Jeff Brinker said...

There is nothing mediocre about your journey. The challenges you have faced have been fierce but the quality of your journey is second to none.

Lindsay Gibbons said...

You're one of the strongest, most inspiring people I've ever met. If reflecting on the things you went through didn't bring you to tears, I don't think you'd be human. You are an amazing person for handling it the way you have and moving forward the way you are.

Karen Bergstreiser said...

You have been such an inspiration for me. When I start to think of my challenges this year and feel beat up by them, you are my reminder to not give up. It was you that inspired me to move forward and play with the Monkeys even when I felt perhaps I shouldn't. Thank you for sharing your journey & struggles with us.