Sunday, 31 January 2016

Building My Vocabulary

I was having an interesting talk with Sifu R. Langner in class on Friday night this week about the difference in teaching with your words vs. teaching by demonstration. I've always admired the ability of someone that could explain a concept without actually moving. It's almost like poetry to watch someone that has that kind of vocabulary and can explain themselves in that clear and concise of a way. 

I'm generally a kinaesthetic learner. I absorb things much better once I actually do them myself or I can get my hands on them. I can really get the 'feel' of them that way. And as far as Kung fu goes, I'd say the same. I like to watch someone do something, then I like to practice it a dozen or so times myself, before I feel I can be left to my own devices. But to have someone only explain something to me, sometimes can be confusing. Words can be difficult to interpret the meaning of depending on who's delivering them. 

I've never felt as an instructor, confident in my abilities to clearly explain things so that a student wouldn't need to interpret what I was saying. I've realized that this is one of the reasons that developing my vocabulary is so important to my personal growth. I've been thinking a lot lately about the value of journaling my journey. I'm really excited to look back in one year from now to see the progress I've made in this aspect. 

1 comment:

Jeff Brinker said...

Very, very good post!