Sunday, 6 May 2018

Lethargy of Sitting

I have a pretty sedentary job. Not that this is odd in today's world but, it's one of the things that I don't enjoy about it. I have a sit/stand desk which helps, and part of my job also involves interacting with my coworkers, so I'm walking around the office.

I've just noticed that the less I move around, the less I want to move. The more lethargic I feel, and it really affects my whole day. If I'm stuck at my desk all day, it has a tendency to carry over into my after work hours. I get home and I just want to sit on the couch like a potato. I can see how many people get sucked into this cycle of sit all day, sit all night. I have become more and more aware of this since I was promoted. I used to be in and out of the office/shop all day, running around and picking things up. Now I'm almost always doing paperwork. Ugh. The downside of hazardous materials removal, is that it requires a lot of legal paperwork.

So I've started to pay more attention to my fitbit. I already used it as a gauge to how active I was, but now I'm listening to it when it tells me I need to get up and move. Even if I just get up a do a few stretches, it invigorates me, and keeps me active. The only downside is that I'm also taking a business related course, and that too, requires a lot of sitting and note taking. School 1 - Mel 0.

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