Sunday, 25 March 2018

21 Day Cleanse

Dan and I have started a 21 day cleanse called Clean. There's a book associated with it, and now a cook book if you're interested in checking it out. Also there's an associated website ( Although, there are a lot of ads for the clean program with smoothie packets and all that stuff... We're just doing it from scratch.

Basically, we don't eat any inflammatory foods or things that are common allergies. No dairy, gluten, nightshades, corn, peanuts, etc. No processed foods or sugars. The cool thing about this cleanse, is that there is a 12 hour fast every night. So from supper at 6 pm to breakfast at 6 am, you can only drink water and herbal teas. It is also a liquid breakfast, and liquid supper with your main meal being at lunch time. With a lot of the literature I've read on fasting recently, I thought this would be an interesting way to clean our bodies.

In China, a couple of times we did a meditation retreat with some fasting involved. We were allowed to eat small amounts of fresh fruit, and supplemented our food with cool herbal medicine balls made with honey and a lot of things that were out of my abilities to translate. They tasted terrible and had an interesting effect on the body, and I distinctly recall thinking how difficult it was to focus when my stomach was grumbling the whole time. But overall, a positive experience.

I generally eat pretty healthy, and so does Dan. But I can't see the harm in changing our eating habits this way for a few weeks and then slowly adding foods back in to our diet. It is an interesting experiment anyways, and it also feels a little like spring cleaning.

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