Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Practice makes perfect

I've been looking at the goals I set for last year. Oh, it's hard to imagine that there's anything in there that I might actually accomplish by the end of the sheep year, but I realized that I set a lot of similar goals for the year of the monkey since I didn't quite get to participate in a large portion of my sheep year. So it makes it a bit easier. I can just sort of start early. Get ahead of the game per say. Start getting into the habit of doing a lot of the things I got out of the habit of doing while I was laid up in the hospital, or just things I never really got the hang of in the first place. For example, mom and I are now journaling buddies. Every Wednesday we check on each other. See how things are going.

I've also been approached by one of my therapists for a project for the Glenrose Foundation. She asked me if I would be interested in journaling about my experience at the Glenrose for a couple of weeks. Apparently they're finding it difficult to communicate to donors what the Glenrose really does and what is really involved in a person's rehabilitation. I agreed to be a part although there's no guarantee that they'll use any of the things that I write. I thought it might be a good tool for me to practice my writing, particularly about such a difficult and confusing part of my life. Never turn down a good opportunity.

I find myself more tired than before (shocking I know). So it's hard to make myself accomplish the things I want. But I get even more tired when I just lay around watching movies or reading. So there's the rub I suppose. It might take me some time to figure all this new stuff out I guess.

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