Sunday, 16 August 2015

The mysterious syndrome no one has heard of

So, as most of you know by now in early June I was diagnosed with guillain barré syndrome, also known as GBS.

I had been house sitting for the Princes for the weekend. I had a headache for a few days, Sunday I came home and that night I woke up   numb tongue, hands and feet. I woke my mom up because I'd never experienced that before and we went to emergency. They thought I had a migraine and gave me an IV for some migraine medication.

The next night I woke my dad up again to take me to the hospital because I still had the same symptoms but I was in a lot of pain. So, we went back to the emergency, they did a lumbar puncture to check for GBS, but they didn't find the markers. The doctors think it might have been too soon.

The next day and my dad was looking on google and came across GBS. He brought home a little print out and it said if you have any problems with your respiration you should go to the emergency room immediately. It wasn't long after that that I recommended we go to the emergency room again.

PThey transferred me to the UofA hospital to see a neurologist. And it was two days later and I was on a ventilator. I don't remember much of the next few days. But I'm sure they were really scary for my friends and family. I'm so lucky enough to have the best family and friends around.

I started this post thinking that I would end it with some sort of like wise words or lesson. But I don't think I'm there yet. I know I've already learned a lot from this experience. But I don't know if I can put it into words.. But now you all know I'm alive at least..


Jeff Brinker said...

Holy moly!! Is it ever great to have you back posting. I missed you this week but now I am back and am hoping to get out there the coming week. Can't wait until you can visit us!

Khona said...

Yay! Good to hear from you!

Khona said...

Yay! Good to hear from you!

Lindsay Gibbons said...

I wasn't sure if I should visit you in the hospital or not because I know that you don't know me that well. I want you to know though I think of you often. It breaks my heart that someone like you is going through all this. I miss your laughter and being around you. The way you see things is such an inspiration to me and I can't wait to train with you again. I truly pray for a speedy recovery for you and want you to know how missed you are. Even by someone you barely know. Best wishes Melanie.

Karen Bergstreiser said...

She's back!!!!! You are an amazing inspiration. I know you probably don't feel like one, just know that you are. Praying for you !

Randy Langner said...

woohoo nice to see your blogs agaian :)

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I Have no other words.

Vince Krebs said...

So excellent to hear from you Sifu.

Michele Ward said...

It's great to hear from you. I am so happy to know that you are on the road to recovery and that you are progressing so quickly, although I'm sure you would like it to be much faster. You truly are an inpiration to us all.

Sifu Beckett Sr. said...

Just so everyone knows Mel is now at the GlenRose and moving ahead on her rehabilitation and learning to do EVERYTHING all over again. I am so proud of how well she has coped with this illness. Nurses at the U of A ICU say she was the best GBS patient they ever had.