Thursday, 2 April 2015

A Team

I have the tendency to be kind of stupidly independent. Sometimes, it's just silly how much I try to do on my own. But I love the feeling of "independence". Even if a lot of times it is an illusion.

So I had a great moment last night where Sifu Langner and I were talking about our inconsistent blogging so far this year. So I started teasing him and he teased me back. We both admitted to ourselves, and to each other, that it was something that we just needed to do. You can make all the excuses in the world, but if you don't change anything, then you don't accomplish anything.

So this morning, I signed into google plus, and I saw that he had blogged. Which feels great, and in turn, inspires me to blog. And this is when I was reminded about how great it is to be part of a team. Of course, there's many examples of this every time we train together, but it's good that you can have someone else out there that's in the same space as you mentally, and you can help motivate one another. Awesome!

I'm really nervous and excited about Alabama. I've never been somewhere like it, it will be an amazing experience I'm sure. And I'm also really excited about the fellow students I'm going to be travelling with. If anyone had seen what we were like just trying to figure out our flights, they would know that this is gonna be a very interesting trip.

1 comment:

Randy Langner said...

lol I'm am also looking foward to our Alabama experience, and glad to see you inspired and blogging :)