Wednesday, 9 July 2014

The Struggle

So I've been struggling to think about things to blog about recently. My training's sort of in a place where I'm not learning anything new, but instead I'm learning new things about the old stuff I learned. I'm really enjoying having the time to review my forms, and to be conscious of my movement.

So much of my time here has been spent working on group forms and performances, that this opportunity to figure out my own movement is something I've been needing for a long time. It's pretty incredible how you can practice something hundreds of times, and then you come back to look at the details of it, and you don't really even know what you're doing. Mindless movement is sometimes in it's own way meditative. But it's hard to improve what you're doing without being truly engaged.

I've also been working on my emotions, and I feel like I've changed so much since I've been here. Just recently my class encountered some turbulence in regards to what we are trying to accomplish and what our Master expects from us. I was proud of myself for not falling into the emotional traps he lays out for us. I handled it very calmly and I feel even more confident in myself now because of it. I'm strong enough to deal with these situations.

1 comment:

Sifu Robyn Kichko said...

yeah for you! Please share your secret, I would love to be the boss of my emotions :)