Friday, 23 December 2011

I'll be home for Christmas!

The time finally arrived! Brandi and I have been home for a couple days now, and I have to say that nothing has made me appreciate my parents acreage, and Alberta more than spending a year in China. The count down to our holiday seems to get more and more difficult every year.

I sprained my ankle about a week before leaving (actually a couple days after I wrote my last post) and I was a little heartbroken. Not only did it prevent me from training at all during my last week and a half, but it will be really difficult to work on anything while I'm home. I know a lot of my fellow students love the fact that they don't have to practice while they're home, but I find it frustrating. It's a time that I can work on any of the things I think I need to, and I'm not exhausted from all the other training. It's frustrating.

I do love Christmas though, and I don't think anything could really bring me down at this point, so I'm just going to try to not worry about it, keep stretching every day, and hopefully by the time we head back I should be more recovered.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.

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