Sunday, 13 February 2011

After the storm comes the calm

I haven't blogged in a while and honestly, I'm in a terrible frame of mind for it. I was actually hoping that the idiom "after the storm comes the calm" went the other way around because for me at the moment, it seems to be more accurate. Coming back from break was great. I love training. I haven't found anything that makes me feel invigorated like kung fu does, but at the moment, I feel on the verge of death. UGH!

I've already gotten an injury (we've been training for about 3 weeks), and now our Shifu has decided that we should do power training at every class to make ourselves stronger. Which I'm totally all for, except going from doing nothing, to doing in every day. It seems I'm just adding injuries on top of one another already, and we've only begun. The Chinese students return form their holiday tomorrow and I'm dreading the thought of adding them back into the mix.

It's lunch time now, so I'm gonna go stuff my face hopefully.


Sifu Robyn Kichko said...

You will find calm, you totally rock!

Sifu Beckett Sr. said...

I know you can do it ... you are as stubborn as your father and will persevere and conquer ... love mom