Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Beijing and Jackie Chan

Got some exciting news today. Ten people from the traditional class are going to be in a TV performance with Jackie Chan. So this Friday we will be headed on the train to Beijing. I'm really excited. Not only do I really need a little bit of a rest, our accommodation and travel are all paid. We were also promised a 500kuai bonus for spending money. Sounds a little too good to be true so I'm not gonna keep my hopes up but it's a nice thought. It's about 100 Canadian dollars which can get you quite a lot in China. The chance to eat some western food is definitely an incentive in itself. It will be cool to travel with a group of my team members as well. Hopefully we'll get a little bit of face time with Jackie Chan, but seeing as he is China's biggest celebrity I'm gonna try to not get my hopes up for that as well. Many of the Chinese students at the school are definitely jealous so we promised to try and get a few autographs.

On another note. I've been getting acupuncture for my knee and I seem to be having really good results. We'll see how this performance goes and after that hopefully I will be as good as new. I was hoping to do some editing to my blog but since China's firewall is so strong, I've been mostly unsuccessful. Oh the joys of censorship. Ha!

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Here it goes again...

So I haven't blogged since February. I'm not even going to try to fill you in on what's happened in the past 6 months. I don't think I could fit it into 10 posts nevermind one.

So I've set a new years goal for myself and I'm starting early. On September 1st we hit our one year mark since the start of the program so this is my new years resolution. I had a couple of hard months motivation wise. The past month I've been feeling pretty great although it seems I accumulate one injury after another. But I noticed that I've been spending more and more time finding motivation by reading other people's blogs. Today I read Sifu Brinker's message 'the key is right in front of you' on kwoon talk and decided I needed to make some changes. I'm not a big computer person. I get bored sitting in front of a screen typing emails, I'm terrible at keeping in touch with people. But if I can find inspiration in so many other people's struggles and successes then hopefully I can inspire others in the same way.

So I'm blogging. And I will be blogging every week. I have a plan. Now the next step is taking consistent action. I'm actually looking forward to this. I'm going to make it last. Even though I haven't been writing, I've been reading. Thanks to everyone who shares their thoughts and experiences.